Thursday, February 27, 2014

Fresh Nasheed "Recognize - Awallun Nasheed Acapella"

BY Unknown IN , , No comments

I heard that you have changed
you weren't like before
not anymore

I saw were smarter
You look calm and cool
(And think more mature)

And when i talked with you
You were like everyone else
Just like a stranger

Then i tried to recognize you
Just a little harder
I found my old friend back

Yeah we' ve grown up
Not like a few years ago
When the childish over us

Even though we've changed
Have different issues and concerns
but i hope we could be together again

Talking to each other in goodness
And care to each other all times
and be great together oh my brother

download nasyidnya di SINI atau SINI

Recognize merupakan single terbaru Awallun yang kurang lebih menceritakan perjalanan mereka untuk saling menngenal satu sama lain.. single ini diciptakan oleh Angga dan dipersembahkan untuk kawan-kawannya di Awallun..

*terima kasih untuk sahabat Dede yang sudah mengirimkan nasyidnya.. ^_^